Low-level CAN Configuration Examples

Unfiltered Raw CAN

We want to read all raw CAN messages from a bus at full speed. Be aware that the VI hasn’t been optimized for this level of throughput, and it’s not guaranteed at this time that messages will not be dropped. We recommend using rate limiting, which can dramatically decrease the bandwidth required without losing any information.

{   "buses": {
        "hs": {
            "controller": 1,
            "speed": 500000,
            "raw_can_mode": "unfiltered"

Filtered Raw CAN

We want to read only the message with ID 0x21 from a high speed bus on controller 1.

{   "buses": {
        "hs": {
            "controller": 1,
            "speed": 500000,
            "raw_can_mode": "filtered"
    "messages": {
      "0x21": {
        "bus": "hs"

We added the 0x21 message and assigned it to bus hs, but didn’t define any signals (it’s not necessary when using the raw CAN mode).

Unfiltered Raw CAN with Limited, Variable Data Rate

We want to read all raw CAN messages from a bus, but we don’t want the output interface to be overwhelmed by repeated duplicate messages. This is fairly common in vehicles, where a message is sent at a steady frequency even if the value hasn’t changed. For this example, we want to preserve all information - if a message changes, we want to make sure the data is sent.

{   "buses": {
        "hs": {
            "controller": 1,
            "speed": 500000,
            "raw_can_mode": "unfiltered",
            "max_message_frequency": 1,
            "force_send_changed": true

We combine two attributes to both limit the data rate from raw CAN messages, and also make sure the transfer is lossless. The max_message_frequency field sets the maximum send frequency for CAN messages that have not changed to 1Hz. We also set the force_send_changed field to true, which will cause a CAN message with a new value to be sent to the output interface immediately, even if it would go above the 1Hz frequency. The result is that each CAN message is sent at a minimum of 1Hz and a maximum of the true rate of change for the message.

Unfiltered Raw CAN with Strict, Limited Data Rate

We want to read all raw CAN messages as in Unfiltered Raw CAN with Limited, Variable Data Rate but we want to set a strict limit on the read frequency of each CAN message. We don’t care if we skip some CAN messages, even if they have new data - the maximum frequency is the most important thing.

{   "buses": {
        "hs": {
            "controller": 1,
            "speed": 500000,
            "raw_can_mode": "unfiltered",
            "max_message_frequency": 1

We left the force_send_changed field out - by default it is set to false and the firmware will strictly enforce the max message frequency.

Translated and Raw CAN Together

We want to read the same signal as in the One Bus, One Numeric Signal example, but we also want to receive all unfiltered raw CAN messages simultaneously.

{   "buses": {
        "hs": {
            "controller": 1,
            "raw_can_mode": "unfiltered",
            "speed": 500000
    "messages": {
        "0x102": {
            "bus": "hs",
            "signals": {
                "My_Signal": {
                    "generic_name": "my_openxc_measurement",
                    "bit_position": 5,
                    "bit_size": 7

We added set the raw_can_mode for the bus to unfiltered, as in Unfiltered Raw CAN. No other changes are required - the raw and translated message co-exist peacefully. If we set raw_can_mode to filtered, it would only send the raw message for 0x102, where we’re getting the numeric signal.